Þú ert hér:Forsíða»Minjastofnun Íslands»Útgáfa»Útgáfa Fornleifaverndar ríkisins - Bæklingar
Útgáfa Fornleifaverndar ríkisins
Yfirlit Leita af skrám Upp
Flokkur: Bæklingar
Remote Sensing for Archaeological Heritage Management


Remote sensing is one of the main foundations of archaeological data, under pinning knowledge and understanding of the historic environment. The volume, arising from a symposium organised by the Europae Archaeologiae Consilium (EAC) and the Aerial Archaeology Research Group (AARG), provides up to date expert statements on the methodologies, achievements and potential of remote sensing with a particular focus on archaeological heritage management. Well-established approaches and techniques are set alongside new technologies and data-sources, with discussion covering relative merits and applicability, and the need for integrated approaches to understanding and managing the landscape. Discussions cover aerial photography, both modern and historic, LiDAR, satellite imagery, multi- and hyper-spectral data, sonar and geophysical survey, addressing both terrestrial and maritime contexts. Case studies drawn from the contrasting landscapes of Europe illustrate best practice and innovative projects. 

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2012-03-26 15:18:48
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Minjastofnun Íslands - Suðurgötu 39 - 101 Reykjavík - Sími: 555-6630 - Fax: 555-6631 - Kt: 440113-0280 - Tölvupóstur:fornleifavernd(hja)fornleifavernd.is